One new study, completed by researchers in China, examined the impact intense video gaming had on certain brain subregions. They found that action video gamers, known simply as AVGs, had more gray matter as well as improved connectivity in certain subregions of their brains. AVGs were already known to have improved attention skills and eye-hand coordination, and previous research has shown that expert AVGs had more gray matter in the brain, which is often associated with better cognitive function and memory.
In their introduction, the researchers note that little research has examined the link between “AVG experience and the plasticity of insula, an important brain area for attentional and sensorimotor functions.” They used functional MRIs (fMRIs) to analyze the brains of 27 participants who were expert AVGs — people who were regional or national champions — and compared them to 30 amateur AVGs. They concluded that AVG experts experienced an enhancement between their anterior and posterior insular subregions. In other words, AVG was associated with increased neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to change and develop stronger connections, memory, and cognitive function.
While all of these studies may shine a new light on video games, some skeptics remained unconvinced of the benefits of video games. One Reddit user, DiogenesInHisJar, notes in response to the newest study that “I’d suspect that if the two are exclusive, exercising 30 minutes a day is better for overall cognition than video gaming. All tasks that take time will have a noticeable effect on the brain. It’s a plastic organ.”
Source: Gong D, He H, Liu D, Ma W, Dong L, Luo C. Enhanced functional connectivity and increased gray matter volume of insula related to action video game playing. Scientific Reports. 2015.
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