What's the difference
between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
may sound like a setup for a knee-slapper, but it's actually a good question,
and many people don't know the full answer.
not as simple as who tends to what, like the difference between a goatherd and
shepherd. Both kinds of professionals treat people with problems that vary
widely by degree and type, from mild anxiety to schizophrenia. Both can
practice psychotherapy, and both can do research.
short answer is, psychiatrists are medical doctors and psychologists are not.
The suffix "-iatry" means "medical treatment," and
"-logy" means "science" or "theory." So
psychiatry is the medical treatment of the psyche, and psychology is the
cience of the psyche.
Their Credentials
begin their careers in medical school. After earning their MD, they go on to
four years of residency training in mental health, typically at a hospital's
psychiatric department.
to Marcia Goin, MD, past-president of the American Psychiatric Association and
a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Southern California,
psychiatric residencies include a range of subspecialized training, such as
working with children and adolescents.
completing their residency, these physicians can be licensed to practice
requirements for psychologists vary from state to state, but at least a one- or
two-year internship is required to apply for a license to practice psychology.
Prescribing Powers
medical doctors, psychiatrists can do what most psychologists in the United
States cannot: They can prescribe drugs.
the state of Louisiana allowed psychologists to write prescriptions after
consulting with a psychiatrist, joining the state of New Mexico, which allowed
psychologists to begin prescribing in 2002.
common misconception about psychiatrists is that they only treat people with
severe mental illness, like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, diseases for
which medication is the mainstay of treatment, leaving psychotherapy to
psychologists and patients with less severe problems.
who work at clinics and hospitals certainly see many hard cases. "The
major patients they see are severely mentally ill, but there are others who are
not," Goin tells Psych Pedia. She says she practices a lot of
psychotherapy in her private office and that most of her patients there are not
on medication.
however, psychiatrists in private practice spend their time with medication
management and not psychotherapy. Other mental health providers usually do
therapy sessions, and when they see a patient who could benefit from
medication, they send the patient to a psychiatrist for an evaluation and
possibly a prescription.

study published in the journal Psychiatric Services in 2003 shows that
psychiatrists earn less for doing therapy. On average, a psychiatrist who
charges for 45-50 minutes of psychotherapy earns $74-$107 less than he or she
would for three 15-minute sessions of medication management.
reason may be that insurers figure that psychotherapy, which is time consuming
and may go on for months, should be handled by providers who charge less.
"The reality is that psychiatrists' fees are often higher than
psychologists'," Goin says.
to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, "reasonable"
charges for a 45- to 50-minute therapy session are $70-$130 for a psychiatrist
and $65-$114 for a psychologist.
guidelines are based on data from 1988. The 2003 Psychiatric Servicesstudy
shows psychiatrists charging an average of $107-$155 per session for therapy.
Psychological Testing
addition to psychotherapy and research, psychologists use a variety of tools to
examine a person's psychological underpinnings and personality (and how that
could affect life experiences).
tend to use these tests more than psychiatrists.
tests include the questionnaires such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), and the
famed Rorschach test - where the person is shown a variety of inkblots and
asked to tell the therapist what they see. These tests are meant to reveal how
people see themselves and how they may behave.
testing also includes neuropsychological tests, which evaluate brain function
to diagnose or assess the extent of damage from an injury or illness.
Another Kind of Therapist
may be surprised if you're referred to a therapist to find that he or she is
neither a psychiatrist nor a psychologist.
social workers (CSWs) are mental health professionals who have master's degrees
in social work and have been licensed to practice psychotherapy after
completing at least two years of clinical training.
to the National Association of Social Workers, 60% of licensed mental health
professionals in the United States are clinical social workers.
most psychologists, a CSW cannot prescribe drugs, so they refer their therapy
patients to psychiatrists to evaluate the need for medication.
think in terms of a team ... being part of the treatment team," says Mary
Pender Greene, chief of social work with the Jewish Board of Family and
Children's Services in New York City.
Whose Therapy Is Best?
any of the three professionals who provide the best psychotherapy, they will
all tell you their own specialty is the most skilled.
could have a great therapeutic relationship, or a bad experience, with any of
professional credentials alone don't determine that someone would be helpful to
any particular patient," says Rebecca Curtis, PhD, a professor of
psychology at Adelphi University in Garden City, N.Y., and director of research
at the W.A. White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Psychoanalysis in
New York.
she says experience and training matter at least as much as the therapist's
personal qualities and the relationship between the patient and the provider.
She advises people to interview a potential therapist carefully. Although you
may want to get right to talking about your issues, "ask them specifically
about their training during the initial session," she tells Psych Pedia.
thinks they can sit down and talk to people and be helpful," she says,
"but it really helps to have a lot of experience and training."
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