Diet drinks are linked to weight gain, dementia and strokes, study claims Edit Drinking diet soda is just as bad for you as having a regular soda, a new report has claimed. Even sugar-free drinks are raising the ris... Read More
Emory doctor is the first black Neuropsychologist in the country Edit With only 5,000 neuropsychologists in the country, Doctor Stringer has the distinction of being a first. He was the first African American ... Read More
The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life: the new sleep science Edit Leading neuroscientist Matthew Walker on why sleep deprivation is increasing our risk of cancer, heart attack and Alzheimer’s – and what yo... Read More
Vitamin D Supplements Reduce Depressive Symptoms, Cardiac Events Edit Vitamin D supplement use is linked to reduced depressive symptoms and cardiac events for patients with moderate to severe depressive sympto... Read More
Instagram is worst for your mental health, study finds Edit Instagram is the worst social media site in terms of its impact on the mental health of young people, a report has suggested. The #Status... Read More
FDA approves new drug to treat multiple sclerosis Edit On March 28, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) to treat adult patients with relapsing forms of multiple... Read More
Why seeing a psychologist is not just for the mentally ill Edit Almost half of us will experience some kind of mental struggle in our lives. Less than half of those will ever seek help, but it's not... Read More
If you like sick jokes, maybe it’s because you’re just so smart Edit Understanding jokes requires a certain amount of mental agility, psychologists tell us, because you need to recognise a sudden shift in mean... Read More
Doctors May Now Be Able To Predict Autism Before Age One Edit A new study represents a major potential breakthrough in early diagnosis. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs), a team of researchers ... Read More
First-born children ‘more intelligent’ due to extra mental stimulation from parents Edit Study could explain higher achievement by first-borns in education and employment. First-born children are more intelligent than their si... Read More
Domestic violence reports soar in Russian city following partial decriminalisation Edit Mayor of Yekaterinburg believes law change makes domestic violence seem acceptable. Reports of domestic violence have more than doubled i... Read More
Trump hung up on a world leader. A psychologist says we should be worried Edit “Trump acts like a child who hasn’t yet developed enough to consider anyone else’s opinion” There are few situations where hanging up on so... Read More
Research Again Finds That Talk Therapy Can Change The Brain Edit In the ongoing search to find effective treatments for mental health disorders, recent years have brought some interesting findings. One of... Read More
People who struggle to get out of bed in the morning 'are more intelligent' Edit The snooze button does tend to get a bad rap. People who use it are often branded as lazy and undisciplined and many people believe that ge... Read More